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Yuvak and Yuvati Mandal Perth

Shree Swaminarayan Bal and Balika Mandal Perth

Shree Swaminarayan Mandir Yuvak and Yuvati Mandal Perth


Yuvak and Yuvati Interactive Sessions

With the grace and blessings of Shree Swaminarayan Bhagwan we have great news that our YM sessions are re-starting!

Please join us on every Friday, in the Mandir Hall between 7.40pm and 9.00pm and every Saturday, from 7:00pm to 8:15pm for Katha Varta, Sant Pravachan and Chesta.

Please Note: From now hence forth, Yuvak and Yuvati Mandal Sessions will be run on every week Friday (Interactive Session) and Saturday (Katha Varta and Sant Pravachan).